If you’ve not watched this movie, you must. Michael Moore is a brilliant cinematographer and he certainly didn’t let up in this ironic angle on the American health care system, with comparisons with erstwhile looked down upon states like Cuba. It’s remarkable how big business has taken hold of such an important and basic element of American life.
In one scene in the film one woman, unconscious when she is put into an ambulance, is billed for the trip because her insurer says it was not pre-authorized. Now you wonder how could she get authorization for the ambulance ride when she was out cold on the pavement? Yeah, that bad.
Towards the film's end, he discovers that Jim Keneflick, proprietor of the web's largest anti-Moore website Moorewatch.com, is going to be forced to shut down his site after his wife becomes ill and he can't afford the $12,000 needed to pay for her care. So, keen to protect Keneflick's right to free speech, or so he says, he sends the money to him. Jim is especially grateful for the anonymous contribution. It is only revealed that it was from Michael Moore, when the film is released.
The movie as described by some movie reviewers and critics..
“acidic new documentary about healthcare”
“Michael Moore's litany of horrors about the American health care system, which is run for profit,”
“It's those personal stories, of ordinary lives destroyed one form letter at a time, that make "Sicko" so powerful.”
"It's not impossible that this bitterly funny, bitterly sad call to alms could move reform back up the political agenda. For that reason alone, you owe it to yourself to see this movie."
“It’s a really brilliant movie this, and surreal”
A must watch.