And which is it? Well, a bit of both actually, and so much has been happening. .
For one, I got done with maternity..
Praise God? (Did I hear an Amen?) 3 months of sleepless calls and tonnes of work. I would describe maternity, for lack of stronger adjectives, as laborious and painstaking. Not to mention the kind of pressure everyone puts on you. If anything so much as goes wrong, then you’ll have to explain why 10 minutes after being called, you were still trying to find the bearings out of your bed..
Weekends lost meaning, because more often than not, I’d be on the maternity floor, or theatre working as usual. More of my tales of terror with pregnant women later though.
I’ve now done 2 months of Internal Medicine and have one more to go. This is probably the most relaxing department ever! The calls are light, no emergency surgeries at night and I mustn’t forget the free afternoons…
Then got my internet connection (finally!) and now I’m on the information superhighway like a fish to water. So much to read and learn on the net, that even sparing a moment for my blog has been difficult. But I’m confident that this is the first of many more posts to come.
tHE mEDiCinEmAn.