Tuesday, December 13, 2005

So you want to come to the States?

Let me take a break from the stories surrounding my coming to America, to give you some tips on how u can come to America. This will probably benefit ma-4th year na ma-3rd year wa 2006, who might want to do their elective in Stato'. It's been quite an experience getting thingz together to get here.

First rule of course is: Be Prepared
This will save you a lot of embarrassments and lost opportunities. You should never be unsure about anything. Welcome to Google! Any information about any program (at least in America) will be on the net, somewhere. If there is one thing that you'll want to remember after reading this blog, remember that.
Where do you want to go for your elective?
You could apply for the
- Univ. of Washington elective, that is sponsored by the Obs/Gyn Dept. Details will be put on the dean's notice board sometime during 4th year. Keep your eyes peeled. I remember a number of people not amused by the fact that 'no-one' told them about it, or 'someone' pulled down the notice b4 they got a look at it.
or- Kansas Univ. Med. Center
A few blogs from this one, i'll get some web addresses for some other uni's that you might want to check out.
You have to know what you need and by what/which date u must have it. Again, all of that will be online, once you've identified a program that you're interested in. And you might want to note that they call such programs externships, not electives, which usually have a different meaning here.

This is information is hardly exhaustive, but i'll drop a few more 'words of advice' in my later posts. So drop by again.
My Herculean efforts to get to the states continue tomorrow.

The WebDoc.

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