Friday, June 01, 2007

So many firsts..

First, let's start off with why i've not blogged for, well... such a long time. Simple really. It's the department i moved to from Paediatrics. The good people in KNH call it Obs & Gynae, we, on the other hand, prefer to call it Maternity, Mat in short.

The first first, was me doing my first caeserian section, alone, yipee.. Oh, and that was before i delivered my first baby. hehe..

Another first, the number of hits on my blog pita'd the 1,000 mark. I was always looking forward to that.. now if only 1 of every 10 of those peeps left comments.. hmm..

Then i almost hit another first. I almost got internet in my room, save for a couple of 'gentlemen' that couldn't admit that they couldn't do the job.. story for another day by the way.

Got my first salo'... Making friends became so easy suddenly. Humans!

... i'll add a few more firsts in my next blog, for sure. Keep it locked. And also tonnes of storo's from the Realms of Thika Maternity..

Oh, and guys, props to your mothers. I swear! The kind of sh*t (literal shit and otherwise), pain etc that they went thru' to bear you, is to put it mildly, excruciating. So, big up for my mum!

& i'm back!
tHE mEDiCinEmAn.


Anonymous said...

sema webdoc. good to see ur back in the blog-o-sphere.congrats on all the firsts and that good ol' "lump sum"....good stuff!so how many rotations down and what more to go?cheers

tHE mEDiCiNemAn said...

Hey gm,
It gets crazy over here sometimes, but we keepin our heads up. I finish maternity in 3 weeks, and move on to internal med and finally surg.. (oh happy day!)

Keep it here,

tHE mEDiCinEmAn.

Medusa said...

Speaking of Firsts, I had my first child, on the first of May..and you're right..I had a hellish experience, I must be loco to even consider having another..
Man, I keep saying I have the utmost respect for the gift that is doctors and anyone really in the medical profession truly dedicated to their work..God bless you much as you work..

tHE mEDiCiNemAn said...

Congratulations on having your first child, and living to tell it.. hehe..
Pole sana on the experience, but isn't the relief after the delivery just amazing?

Thanks for the bigup on doctors work, and jus' so u know, i've utmost respect for mothers..

Keep it here.
tHE mEDiCinEmAn.