Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Back in Nairobi..

Yes, yes, i know that i've been a bit slow and lazy on my blog, lakini it's with reason.You know internet is not as freely available here as many like myself would like. So it's not often that i get online.
Anyway, now that i've done away with a chunk of guilt, i've to say how lovely the weather here is. Everybody's saying that it's got too hot, but i disagree. I would have been saying the same thing had i not spent a couple of months of fall and winter in America. At least i dont need three layers of warm clothes... (lol). I'd even almost forgotten that the sun doesn't have to set by 4pm.
Nairobi is not doin too bad, other than the half constructed building that collapsed somewhere in "3rd world" parts of town, where less financially abled people frequent. Blame is going all round. Most of it to the City Council of Nairobi, that approved and failed to oversee the construction. Such a pity that we end up learning from our mistakes.
Speaking of mistakes, the weekend papers had been awash with stories linking very senior ministers in Kibaki's government to graft. Payment of billions of shillings to a company that did not exist!! The media have baptised it the Anglo-Leasing scandal. Only in Kenya, will a whole Minister of Justice, say that a crime was not committed since the stolen money was promptly wired back when the story first broke last year! Yep, Hon. Kiraitu is famously quoted for calling it "The scandal that never happened."!But now those ghost are coming back to haunt them, as the former anti-corruption 'czar'releases dossier documenting how his investigations were hampered and obstructed by the very people we put into power. Sadly, he has to do it from exile in Britain, after alleged threats to his life were made. Now, who would want this man dead? I certainly have a few names in mind.
Let me let off on the politics issue. I get heated sometimes! Med school is off to slow start. Just finished a rotation in Anaesthesia and i've just started another one in Dermatology, for another 2 weeks.

Keep it posted. I'll definitely be updating the blog more often from now on. A lot more stories, corruption, med school, weather updates... the usual.

The WebDoc ,blogged out, somewhere in the hot sun.

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